Everything to know about Tobacco

Everything to know about Tobacco


Tobacco was the first cultivated by Native Americans in the United States, and the plant's the first origins were also in America. Although tobacco cultivation has spread to the other parts of the world over time, today this addictive plant can be found in various countries. Tobacco is a plant with large and broad leaves which they've often seen in the form of spears, hearts, curved, straight, or oval-shaped. The height of this plant can sometimes reach over 2 meters. Warm weather conditions usually cause the tobacco plants to grow faster and better. Tobacco is the dried leaf of the tobacco plant that can be used in various forms. In this article, we intend to introduce ourselves with the types of tobacco leaves.



Everything to know about Tobacco

Tobacco plant is one of the most commonly consumed plants that is on the list of preferences for smokers. After the leaves got dried, they are transformed into a new compound called tobacco. These dried leaves, which are rich in nicotine, are consumed in various forms, including smoking and sometimes in the form of chewing tobacco. Nicotine is only one of the thousands of compounds found in tobacco.

Initially, the main reason for consuming this plant was to create calmness in people. Therefore, tobacco was mostly used as a medicinal plant in European countries. Over time, the calming effect of nicotine found in tobacco led which is being recognized as an economic plant, and thus tobacco played an important role in the economies of major producing countries such as the United States, Japan, China, Turkey, and Greece. Today, Iran has also joined the ranks of tobacco producers.

However, one of the interesting facts about tobacco is that it has made of some dried seeds which they contain 30 to 40 percent of oil.

Types of tobacco leaves

 There are more than 70 types of tobacco grown in the world, each of them has their own unique characteristics. As you know, tobacco is made of drying tobacco leaves and it is considered of one of the most important consumer goods in the tobacco industry. The most common way to consume tobacco in the world is by using it in a pipe, various types of cigarettes, cigar leaves, and hookah. Tobacco and its leaves are classified into different categories depending on the place of cultivation, appearance, color, and taste. Let's get acquainted with some examples of different types of tobacco leaves.

Maryland tobacco

One of the largest tobacco leaves in the world belongs to Maryland tobacco. The leaves of this plant get dry and turn into a reddish-brown color after being exposed to air. One of the distinctive features of Maryland tobacco is its mildness, which is often combined with other tobacco leaves to make the most of this characteristic. Dried Maryland tobacco is used in many of the cigarettes produced.

Turkish tobacco

Tobacco grown in eastern Mediterranean regions such as Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, and Northern Macedonia is usually referred to as Turkish tobacco. This type of plant is one of the most diverse famous tobacco leaves in the world. It has a high sugar and aroma content and is usually combined with other types of tobacco and used in cigarettes. Turkish tobacco is one of the tobaccos used in American cigarettes.

Virginia tobacco

This tobacco, which is sweet and light-colored, is usually grown in Virginia, Georgia, Carolina, and Florida in the United States. To use this plant quickly in various types of cigarettes and pipes, it is usually heated. Virginia tobacco leaves have more than 100 different types in the world, which they have their own unique characteristics. This plant is one of the most common and popular tobacco types used in cigarette production.

Burley Tobacco

One of the most popular types of tobacco leaves in the world is Burley Tobacco. Compared to Virginia tobacco, it contains less sugar and oil and has a light brown and chocolate color. Fruity and flavored tobaccos are made from Burley tobacco. Smokers people who prefers to inhale less thick, heavy and unpleasant smoke, usually use Burley tobacco. It is often mixed with other types of tobacco leaves to make Burley tobacco smoother and more flavorful.

  • Date: 21/7/2024
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